Complete start to finish Color Grading tutorial using curves, built-in color grading & basic panel. This video length is nearly 1.5 hours of instruction starting from the camera raw process to finally exporting to instagram. Learn how to achieve cinematic color grades, vintage grades, and isolating colors by region. In addition this package includes a custom second bonus video that walks through how I achieve my warm undertones with teal highlights with raw files to follow along.
Want to learn my Color Grading? In this video, I will cover my complete process from Camera Raw to exporting to Instagram.
What’s Covered:
* Learn how to process raw files in Camera Raw
* Learn how to modify curves to achieve the colors you want
* Learn how I use the color grading panel in Camera Raw
* Learn how to maximize colors with adjustment layers and blending options
* Learn how i use the channel mixer
*Learn how to use different adjustment layers and luminosity masks to transform the image and create maximize depth & pop.
* Learn how I achieve my warm/teal tones with just a curve.
* How to save/sharpen & add noise on your image for Instagram
* and much more!