1950s horror comic publisher EC Comics did something subtle and creepy.

They used a machine to emulate hand lettering mechanically. The Leroy Lettering System emulated the look of handwriting but with a lifeless consistency.

Imagine desktop publishing but on a rickety device that has subtle inconsistencies. 

Now you can capture the same creepy classic look with TOOM — our new font by artist, writer, and university professor Christopher Sperandio.

What’s Included

  • 3 all-caps faces (Regular, Italic, Bold Italic).
  • Includes punctuation, special characters, and essential comic characters. including copyright, trademark, and reserved symbols. 
  • OTF file.
  • Support for European languages.
  • Extras like skulls, excitement lines, and misprinted characters.
  • Made by artist, writer, and university professor Christopher Sperandio.
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