The Beauty Posing Guide was designed specifically to elevate your skills in the dynamic world of beauty photography. The beauty industry stands as a commercial powerhouse, yet it remains largely untapped by many photographers. Unlike fashion photography, capturing beauty requires a unique approach, with careful consideration of composition, aspect ratios, and specific usage nuances, as well as an understanding of purposeful casting and concept/brief connection. This is the first educational resource of its kind that offers this commercial insight!

This guide serves as a standalone guide but also builds on the foundations laid by “The Fashion Posing Guide,” which has served as an essential resource for fashion, portrait, and bridal photographers. Here, we delve a little deeper into the art of beauty posing, offering detailed insights and practical advice to help you master techniques that can transform your work and captivate your audience – including my top go to beauty poses!

Whether you’re looking to refine your existing skills or explore new creative avenues, this guide is your gateway to excelling in beauty photography.


  • Posing Guide PDF (138 Pages)
  • Printer Friendly Posing Guide (featuring top poses for easy reference).
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