Dani Purington is a champion of the real real. Her elegant use of color and ability to delightfully capture the candid has earned her a sterling reputation while proving to be a timeless palette throughout her entire body work. As a globe trotting elopement photographer her landscapes are constantly changing, and it is precisely these changes that stoke her passion for preserving the gorgeous and unique color stories that each location tells.
This collection is brimming with active and natural color settings that are intended to serve as a perfect default for you to personalize into your own little power pack of presets. By keeping color the star of the show, you’ll be able to shoot with brilliant confidence in the richest locales you find. Think the starchy red rocks of Moab, verdant green redwood forests bathing in broken light, and crisp golden sunset shots straight off the coast.
Dani Purington Presets consists of 9 color presets built into profiles, and 2 BW presets (please see * below for compatibility).
Keep in mind, these presets are built into Custom Profile Sliders, so you won’t see the settings move when you apply the preset (besides the BW’s).