Discovering beautiful cities, from the photographer’s point of view
The way a photographer sees a city will certainly be different from the perspective of an architect, historian, engineer, anthropologist or a cook. This passion we have shapes the way we look at the light or its absence, the lines, the colours, the mist, the people, the fallen leafs, everything.
With this series, we want to take you on a journey around some of the most beautiful cities, showing them from the photographer’s point of view. From the large central squares to the narrow alleys and cafes, there is always a point of interest to be captured by the trained eye of the photographer.
In this first video we have the pleasure to have as our host Andy Mumford, professional landscape and travel photographer based in Lisbon for 20 years. He kindly guided us from sunrise to sunset through the city he loves and calls home: Lisbon.
This inspirational video is almost 40 minutes long.